Hello all, sorry for such a newbish question, as I should probably know how to properly partition a hard drive, but I really don’t know where to start. So what I’m looking to do is install a Debian distro, RHEL, and Arch. Want to go with Mint LMDE, Manjaro, and Fedora. I do not need very much storage, so I don’t think space is an issue. I have like a 500+ something GB ssd and the few things that I do need to store are in a cloud. I pretty much use my laptop for browsing, researching, maybe streaming videos, and hopefully more programming and tinkering as I learn more; that’s about all… no gaming or no data hoarding.

Do I basically just start off installing one distro on the full hard drive and then when I go to install the others, just choose the “run alongside” option? or would I have to manually partition things out? Any thing to worry about with conflicts between different types of distros, etc.? hoping you kind folks can offer me some simple advice on how to go about this without messing up my system. It SEEMS simple enough and it might be so, but I just don’t personally know how to go about it lol. Thanks alot!!

  • @[email protected]OP
    11 year ago

    Oh and just to be sure, I need to use the live iso for the distro in order to resize partitions, is that right?

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      No, as I said. Install, in the installed OS use the partition manager to resize itself. I think that should work best.

      During the live usb installer phase the system is not installed on disk. You can resize the partition of a running system afaik. If not, yes you may need to use a live usb to do that.

      But main question, why?

      • @[email protected]OP
        11 year ago

        Because I would like three daily drivers, one for each main distro type so I can learn more and explore other types like arch and rhel based, since I’m not knowledgeable on those. But I also want them to be workstations too, for normal usage. Just variety… And of course for learning. I dont just want a live disk to tinker with and thats all. I want these distros to maintain everything I do inside them just like any physically installed distro. Maybe I’m not properly conveying my view idk

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          I dont see how this is important.

          • selinux vs apparmor
          • flatpak vs snap vs some package managers with varying names, thats it
          • zram vs swap
          • some filesystem differences

          In the end its all GNU+Linux, the usage is the same. Just use Distrobox and learn how to use that, its so awesome.

          You have a full CLI environment for each distro there, just no SELinux, apparmor or systemd.

          I would recommend you to try Fedora. Mayve even the immutable spins. Thats the future and you can try a lot anyways like what I descriped.

          • @[email protected]OP
            11 year ago

            Thanks again. Im not quite sure what these immutable distros are, I keep hearing about them. Gotta do some researching!

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Immutable + atomic. Its similar to Android or IOS. It can be explained like that:

              • big parts of the core OS cant be changed easily. Immutable means “you cant change/break it”. This also applies to software, third party install scripts, viruses and other things that might break your system.
              • atomic: updates are done like this:
              1. The system is an image, as if you would live boot a usb stick
              2. When you do an update, the package manager checks on the server for changes, I think it uses git. Only the changes are downloaded.
              3. rpm-ostree has downloaded the diffs, updated packages basically. Instead of just replacing your local packages, from the full operating system on your machine it builds a new image. Remember, the image is like the live USB or CDROM you can boot and use but not change.
              4. This new image is staged. This means if you reboot, you will boot into the updated version automatically. Updates go in the background and you will have a working system without any downtime. This is so much faster than for example Windows Updates or even standard Fedora “secure updates”.
              5. atomic means that if something in that process fails, you will simply not get an update. So updates cant break anything.
              6. But dont forget its Linux and not Android. You can actually install what you want. This means during the “get updates phase” you can not only download “regular update packages” but also any other Fedora RPM package you want. This is called layering, as now this package is always added to your system on every update, as remember on every update your system would get resetted. You can also remove preinstalled packages, a common one on Fedora is the Firefox RPM.

              That you can normally install apps is thanks to Flatpak, so you dont need to reboot on every install. The idea is to have a very slim core system and “outsource” as much as possible to Flatpak. This means at the same time, official packages, less work for the distro maintainers, and containerization.

              In the future even more packages will be removed as native packages and installed through Flatpak. Buts still a developing technology and important things like native messaging or USB access (hardware security keys) are still missing.