• @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    Well I did mean small in terms of profits, because that’s what directs the investment of big companies. So, yeah, I don’t think so. Farming Sims weren’t even seen as a money maker until Stardew Valley became a hit. Sure they can chase trends, but even if it was cheaper it’s pretty unlikely that they’d bother investing in genres they can’t see big returns in. Even with AI, it’s not like they can put “psychological surreal point-and-click adventure game” on a prompt and get a finished product that easy, they will still need to invest in developers for it, nevermind all the marketing that big companies do for their releases. It’s more likely they’d release yet another gacha.

    Even your examples of it being done different are still the highest profile releases from that company, not some quirky novel idea. They were betting big on FFXV when they released that, and they are doing this for FFVII these times.

    The AAA companies are too risk-averse to take out the indie scene, they would rather insist on trends until they stagnate.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      I was never arguing that it would be effortless, but easier. I also feel like the marketing budgets are kind of beside the point here of development costs, but hey, generative AI might help with that too.

      Even your examples of it being done different are still the highest profile releases from that company, not some quirky novel idea. They were betting big on FFXV when they released that, and they are doing this for FFVII these times.

      I don’t know, they also released Diofield Chronicle, Triangle Tactics, and Octopath Traveler were smaller budget games with no pre-existing IP that were also pretty experimental. What they make may not be your “psychological surreal point-and-click adventure game”, but it might be something just as adventurous.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Eh, a couple new RPG IPs from a company known for making RPGs is hardly such daring venture. If anything, they used to make more of those around the PS1 era. AI may make game development easier, but it won’t make such a drastic branching out likely.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Some people consider releasing new RPG IPs pitching your money right in the trash. That’s pretty adventurous to me. Even if it doesn’t cause a drastic branching out, more companies dipping their toes might make quite the ripple.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            Can you imagine if SquareEnix of all things couldn’t pitch a single brand new RPG IP? If this is what counts as adventurous, I’m not worried for indie studios at all.

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              It’s wild, but these days this is adventurous, even for Sqaure-Enix. The trend with their AAA games has been not turn based RPG for more than a decade. More big companies might decide to release more modest size games that play to their heritage and strengths.