• @[email protected]
    801 year ago

    What’s even better is him thinking he’s not going to be in prison long because Trump is going to win the next election and pardon him. My brother, there’s a greater chance of Trump becoming your cell mate.

    • @[email protected]
      361 year ago

      Yeah… Even if Trump wins there’s no way he remembers or cares about anyone involved in Jan 6.

      These guys are way more screwed than they realize.

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        Trump is a narcissist who cares about image and the cheers of crowds. If pardoning J6 traitors gets him that, he will do it.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          I agree with you, but I don’t believe there’s going to be any sort of crowd clamoring for J6 rioters to be pardoned. The issue is early on, a LOT of right wing media decided that J6 was a false flag. There’s just not going to be many people beyond family members of J6 rioters that want them pardoned.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        It’s true he doesn’t give a damn about these people but they’re useful for his scam. He’s already said he’ll pardon people and will continue to say it because it suits the narrative he’s pushing and what his base wants to hear.

        The problem is he is toxic and will only get more so as his legal issues turn into jail time so it’s unlikely he’ll win election. If he were smart he’d drop out and secure a pardon from a more electable GOP nominee in return for endorsement. But he won’t. So it seems that these proud boy / oathkeeper idiots are likely to be spending a long time behind bars.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        I bet Trump thinks about them a bit. Every day Trump isn’t in the White House he is reminded that they are failures. Zero surprise if they never get parole if Trump makes the WH.

    • FlashMobOfOne
      91 year ago

      Unfortunately, it could happen.

      Most of the country is dealing with a 30% to 50% cost of living increase, and they’re going to blame Biden for it. Trump got elected the first time because 6,000,000 were foreclosed upon when Obama was president.

      • @[email protected]
        171 year ago

        It’s possible, but as much as people are exhausted with Biden, nothing would get blue to turn out to vote like another chance of Trump. Blue would vote for a tent full of mosquitoes if it meant voting against Trump. Trump supporters have gotten more fanatical, not more numerous. Some of my own family members are currently in orange pill recovery. Not to mention all the Reds that died of COVID denial. Then you factor in young people now eligible to vote skewing blue. The only person I think Trump could beat honestly would be Hillary. Red would show up to vote against her if not for Trump.

        • FlashMobOfOne
          91 year ago

          That was the argument people made for Hillary’s certain victory on Election Day, that the notion of Trump being elected would mean a huge Democratic turnout.

          Thing is, people aren’t going to give a shit who the candidate of change is when they can’t afford their grocery bills, and Trump isn’t going to have to lie about how little Biden has done to alleviate people’s poverty.

          • @[email protected]
            101 year ago

            I didn’t vote when it was Hillary or Tbag. I hated both. But I’ll keep voting to protect against him happening again. It’s exactly what the dems are counting on, and it’s unfortunately working on me.

            Still waiting to see who I’ll vote for in primaries, though. My vote only counts there in my state.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                I recall that she supported some regulation of the internet that I considered harmful. I can’t recall the specifics anymore.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  I ask because the republicans viewed her as a threat from the time she was first lady (she wanted universal healthcare - which she almost got, but the rightwing defeated her by talking about a republican vision/plan for an individual mandate, which was basically obamacare, she talked about women’s rights, she was pulling her husband to the left on some issues, etc). They knew she had the type of balls to run for president and the Hillary hate propaganda machine has been running strong for over 20+ years, because they were scared she would win. That’s why I’m wondering what got you to hate her - what tactic of their hate machine do you think worked on you?

                  Edit - and I hope you understand conservatives would destroy the internet as it is, and they have been trying

                  • @[email protected]
                    21 year ago

                    It wasn’t any tactic they used. I read an article where she talked about policy she wanted implemented during her first term that I thought showed a basic misunderstanding of the internet. Unfortunately, I can’t remember what it was to share. But I didn’t think Trump stood any chance of winning so I withheld my vote and have regretted that ever since.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  A green vote is a green vote.

                  A libertarian vote is a libertarian vote.

                  An independent vote is an indepdent vote.

                  How about we get better candidates from both mainstream parties if they actually want swing voters, rather than painting their opposition as a bunch of shitbags. (Mind you, both parties are shitbags who force unpopular policies).

                  • mrnotoriousman
                    71 year ago

                    Ideally that would be in the case, but in reality with FPTP your vote for Green has the same effect as a vote for Trump. I’m much farther left than the Dems, but until we have a revolution that’s just how it is.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            I’m not saying it won’t be close. My parents who voted for him complain about how often they get asked to donate to his campaign slash legal fund. I don’t think that’s a great look if it’s about grocery money.

            I remember 2016. Bernie bros felt maybe rightfully so that he got shafted in the primary. Many didn’t turn out. Trump as obvious of a con man as he was to us, was a successful business man to many centrist voters. I think that illusion has mostly faded. On top of that people on the right were programmed to hate Hillary since the 90s. The vitriol for Trump now is the best shot Biden has, and I think it’s enough.

        • Scott
          21 year ago

          I would vote for a bathtub full of scorpions and vipers before I vote for Trump

        • @[email protected]
          -11 year ago

          While I agree with most of that, I thought it was shown recently that younger people are skewing right. Internet propaganda has been super effective lately it seems :/

      • GreenBottles
        11 year ago

        that’s maybe part of the reason Trump got elected but that’s not the main reason by a long shot

    • Echo Dot
      51 year ago

      That would be the ultimate punishment for both of them. They have to deal with each other for the next 22 years.