Is this some sort of a convenience feature hidden behind a paywall to justify purchasing their subscriptions or does generating the codes actually cost money? If the latter is the case, how do applications like Aegis do it free of cost?

  • umami_wasabi
    1 year ago

    That’s just an excuse to charge more. TOTP is standardized in RFC 6238 and cost nothing to generate.

    • FlumPHP
      51 year ago

      The “Product Led Growth” crowd doesn’t care about charging based on what things cost. They only care about what the buyer will tolerate. The “value metric” that pisses me off the most is per user pricing when the service doesn’t incur costs per user.

      • Amju Wolf
        21 year ago

        The “value metric” that pisses me off the most is per user pricing when the service doesn’t incur costs per user.

        Even in cases where there is a cost per user (or there is at least a correlation in cost increase with number of users) the price is usually many orders of magnitude larger than the cost increase.