I generally don’t like “listicles”, especially ones that try to make you feel bad by suggesting that you “need” these skills as a senior engineer.

However, I do find this list valuable because it serves as a self-reflection tool.

Here are some areas I am pretty weak in:

  • How to write a design doc, take feedback, and drive it to resolution, in a reasonable period of time
  • How to convince management that they need to invest in a non-trivial technical project
  • How to repeat yourself enough that people start to listen

Anything here resonate with y’all?

  • @valence_engineer
    41 year ago

    I would say part of being truly efficient in any role is being able to do the role efficiently even in less than ideal situations or with less than ideal coworkers.

    In my personal experience significantly more people think they don’t react emotionally than actually don’t react emotionally so it’s better to support each other than trying to inefficiently turn into machine together.