OP was taking about Tumblr, but I think it applies even more to the Fediverse: users need to develop an ethos of paying to support the sites they use. Otherwise advertisers pay the bills and call the shots.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      Worked just fine in Switzerland and Spain which are both comparable in speeds to the US while being significantly cheaper. It’s also worth mentioning that these countries provide universal broadband service to all citizens.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        There’s no point comparing anyone to Switzerland. It’s an exceptional country with an exceptional economy and politics. It’s like saying that Vatican is doing good because 100% of the population is a devoted Catholic, so the whole world should become Catholic.

        As for getting high speeds cheaper, you need to look at countries like Latvia, where you’re easily getting unlimited full duplex 1Gbps for €18 per month https://balticom.lv/lv/internets

        That’s what happens when the government is not involved in any way, shape or form.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          The reason Latvia has fast Internet is the state owned telecom invested in fiber and private companies had to step up to compete. The government also heavily regulates to prevent monopolies so there is ample competition to bring prices down.

          Internet in the US is what happens when there isn’t enough government involvement in the telecom market.

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            No, the reason why Latvia has a great and cheap internet is because Latvia didn’t have any regulations for a very long time. This allowed small groups of people to go to the roofs, install their equipment there and throw cables between buildings with zero resistance from either people or government. I know it because I was there, working at two ISPs in the early 2000-s.

            This complete lack of regulation created a very competitive market where literally every high schooler could create an ISP and run a successful business.

            Also state owned Lattelecom didn’t have shit until it was too late. They were only providing regular 10-18Mbit DSL until 2013 if I remember correctly.

            Fuck government involvement!

            • @[email protected]
              010 months ago

              Latvia has the Competition Law which prevents monopolies and anticompetitive business practices. Government involvement is literally the only reason Latvia has good internet.

              Lack of government involvement results in what happened in the US where a few large ISPs buying up all the others leading to a total lack of competition or innovation.

              Fuck the “free market” myth.