
I kinda made this post out of spite for the fact the most previous post in this community, whose title I quoted/copied, was getting so many downvotes… At the time I posted this, the previous post had about a 30% downvote rate, and it really, really made me mad.

I am relieved tho to see people in the comments here who have real, actual empathy for their fellow humans. Thank you for contributing here.

It blows my mind how normalized it is to hate on those who are struggling. Especially in 20fucking23 when so many of us now are on the verge of it ourselves. Let’s be better, everyone - to everyone. I beg you.

  • @[email protected]
    -81 year ago

    No one made someone an addict but themselves. Period. FULL STOP.

    And the sooner we stop coddling addicts, the better for them- and everyone they make to suffer by their side.

    • @[email protected]
      101 year ago

      You’ve clearly never lived with any sort of chronic pain condition. I’ve only ever gotten fentanyl once - in the hospital, with a doctor’s hand inside my stomach. You also clearly have no idea how hard it is to rebuild a normal life after several surgeries that don’t end well.

      I’d be dead or in the streets too except I happen to live somewhere halfway decent, and even then I barely get by on a monthly script. Do you have any idea how it feels when your insides are filled with cysts? Ever had your intestines on the outside of your body involuntarily? How about breaking open your nose bone to get even more cysts out?

      You feel like people unlucky enough to go through things like that should just suck it up for their remaining years? It’s just a little pain, right?

      • @[email protected]
        -51 year ago

        I absolutely live with chronic pain. Both a debilitating herniated disc, and fibromyalgia. And I manage it without becoming a junkie.

        Don’t think you know someone because of a few paragraphs on the internet.

        Lastly, I didn’t say people shouldn’t take pain medications. Don’t be fucking stupid. You’re manufacturing an argument out of nothing.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          Those “paragraphs” has been the past 6 years of my life. My son was 3 when I got sick, and he’s only ever seen me lie in bed or hobble around awkwardly.

          I’m not manufacturing anything, I’m living it.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              No, but I’d be homeless (and I have been, albeit for a short time) right now and probably on something illegal if I didn’t live where I do. Whether you call it an addiction or not I can’t function (read: move) without opiates daily, and I get monthly injections as well. I have 12 different daily medications atm. Do you think I choose to live like this?

              Before I got sick I was a respected special ed. teacher. Now I’m nothing. Life isn’t as black and white as you seem to think it is. If I didn’t have a caring wife and son there’s no reason to think I would have any semblance of a life. Many are not lucky enough to have someone.

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago


                Then you’re clearly not who I’m taking about. So knock off the uppity white-knight-for-opioids nonsense and come back to the wheelhouse of the discussion-

                I’m taking about HOMELESS HEROIN JUNKIES HERE IN SEATTLE.

                Stop manufacturing an argument.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 year ago

                  Last time I checked the world is quite a bit larger than Seattle.

                  This discussion is incredibly relevant to the situation at large - I’m not even american and still I was affected by your opiate issues.

                  Stocks didn’t get refilled, scripts had to be changed and there’s an incredible stigma surrounding the whole thing - one that you’re perpetuating with these very arguments.

                  You’re dehumanising human beings in pain. They can be vile, terrible persons for sure, I’m not arguing against that, but you’re still dehumanising them.

                  Why would they be nice to you in return when you’ve already written them off like this, I wonder?

                  • @[email protected]
                    -11 year ago

                    And to add- do you honest think kindness and compassion works on a heroin junkie needing a fix? Unless you’ve been through it, watched a close fried for over 40 years DIE from it, and seen people murdered over it-

                    Shut the fuck up about it.