Fernseh-Meteorologen kämpfen um die Wahrheit: Weil sie über die Zusammenhänge von Wetter und Klimakrise aufklären, sehen sie sich immer häufiger Angriffen von Wissenschaftsleugnern ausgesetzt.

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    Other unit is mm/m^2 for rain.

    Just mm, not mm/m^2.

    If you get 10mm of rainfall over night, every level surface will have 10mm of water height added to it. So if you have a pool, the water level will be 10mm higher in the morning. Or if you just leave an empty drinking glass outside, it will also have 10mm of rain inside in the morning. If you imagine that there is no runoff, no evaporation, no percolation, then everything would be covered in a 10mm layer of water.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      You are right. The poorly worded point I tried to make was: 1l of water is a volume of 1mm by 1m^2