Of course, not Tomi Lahren though…

  • @[email protected]
    1310 months ago

    To be fair it’s a really bad sign for the stability a country if there is a large population of unemployed men.

    • Blue
      1010 months ago

      Yeah I don’t know why people keep ignoring that, they are prime material for radicalization, fascism loves them, they are his foot soldiers. And ignoring them and mocking them clearly doesn’t work.

      • 🐱TheCat
        2010 months ago

        Giving them women to abuse also doesn’t work for women. We get that some old men in charge prefer it though

        We met and discussed it and we’ve rejected the proposal from Peterson and those like him that violent men be just our problem. Time to address the toxic masculinity on a society wide scale, including the disgusting incentives we’ve allowed to arise under capitalist patriarchy… or collapse and burn. Your choice

        • Blue
          -1210 months ago

          Collapse and burn thank you

        • @[email protected]
          -1710 months ago

          What a stupid mindset. Who is actually brain damaged enough to think that women are going to be handed out like food stamps? People like you have some deranged fantasies. No, the actual suggestion that Peterson gave is that society should find ways to reintegrate these young men and one of these ways is encouraging marriage, as the benefits it has on the well being of men (and women) is pretty well documented. The dating habits that are going now are not healthy, and both genders are losing.

          Time to address the toxic masculinity on a society wide scale, including the disgusting incentives we’ve allowed to arise under capitalist patriarchy

          Literally meaningless drivel.

          • sweetviolentblush [they/them]
            10 months ago

            That’s not a solution though, it sounds more like making men’s mental health a problem for their wives to deal with.

            • @[email protected]
              -610 months ago

              What? Nobody is suggesting that marriage is a treatment for mental health. That’s stupid. The proposal here is that marriage gets young people of both genders reintegrated into society by essentially giving them a goal and a purpose. Instead of doing nothing all day, they get to love, grow, and serve their own families. There’s a reason why marriage has been such a powerful institution for centuries.

      • AggressivelyPassive
        10 months ago

        These men are not just poor souls, that simply haven’t met the right woman yet. These are socially incompetent men, that turn their frustration into hate. They’re basically the Principal Skinner meme “Am I wrong? No, it’s all the women who are wrong!”.

        What can you realistically do about that? Maybe schools could try to do a better job to integrate them, but even that is dubious.

        You are not wrong in the analysis, but let’s be honest, there has always been this breeding ground. And at least today, they want to be in that position. They could better themselves at any point, but they choose to self-victimize. That’s not a thing politics can change.

        • @[email protected]
          -910 months ago

          Politics can help set up the incentivizes in place to reintgrate these men into society, however, the change is fundamentally a social one. Treating them as an enemy is not going to work and doing nothing is not going to work either. Having a good chunk of the military aged male demographic unemployed, unhappy, and desperate is a sure sign of incoming chaos for a society.

          • AggressivelyPassive
            1310 months ago

            Having a good chunk of the military aged male demographic unemployed, unhappy, and desperate is a sure sign of incoming chaos for a society.

            They are largely not unemployed. And their unhappiness is self inflicted. That’s the thing, you can’t force these people out of their shells. They put themselves their.

            Also, nobody hates them. This is again this weird self-victimization. Most people simply don’t care about them, because apart from some mass shooting or online-bullying now and then, they don’t matter at all.

            • @[email protected]
              -610 months ago

              My point is that we are heading in the wrong direction, and we should do something about it before we get to that point if we did then historical trends tell us that we’re going to some dark times. I would’ve agreed with you if this issue was only affecting an insignificant number of men, but it’s not. The amount of young men who are in this position is big enough to the point where this is genuine societal issue that needs to be addressed.

              • AggressivelyPassive
                810 months ago

                No, it’s only getting more reported and the reasons shifted.

                It used to be religious fundamentalism, political radicals, sects, etc. Now it’s the more straight forward form of radicalism, but the root is the same and the numbers didn’t change drastically over night.

                • @[email protected]
                  -710 months ago

                  That’s not true. There’s a lot of good indicitators that things weren’t like this before. For example, the marrying age was lower, male happiness was much higher, male suicide rates were lower, male drug abuse rates were lower, loneliness skyrocketed, mental health issues skyrocketed. You’re right that this didn’t happen overnight. These trends have been happening for the past few of decades, it’s just that it’s getting to a point where it’s hard to ignore because it affects so many people.

                  • @[email protected]
                    1110 months ago

                    What do you propose to do about it? Should women just start having pity sex with these men because they might start a fascist revolution if we don’t? Women should just go back to being submissive housewives so men can be “happy” like they were in the 50s? Like what do you think people should do about it?