• @lowleveldata
    310 months ago

    To avoid re-installing them then, if we’re going to play by the stupid rules. Just install it once and never ever uninstall it if you have even a slight chance to play it. Also make sure your disks have multiple backups.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      The way Unity announced such a big hostile change was executed unimaginably poorly. I’m not even going to say you are incorrect as they clarified it to include reinstalls, then reclarified it to be just the initial install. At the same time, they announced that the way they would bill it is by guessing how many installs you have using a “proprietary algorithm” and charging you based on that. So… everybody is wrong because they don’t intend to tell people how they actually count anything. The details seem really important, and they still don’t seem to know what they are. (eyeroll)

    • all-knight-party
      210 months ago

      I’d love to live in a world where I could just install everything and never struggle for storage space.