Of course, not Tomi Lahren though…

  • @[email protected]
    361 year ago

    I really cannot wait until millenials and GenZ grow older take over the world. The youth of today are just so much smarter than us, and I feel like they are more exposed to internet media that they aren’t easily influenced. I just hope there is enough of the world left for them after we are done with it.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      As a millennial, I disagree. Plenty of my friends, whom used to be outspoken idealist have taken industry jobs for known bad actors. Not being poor, not living in squalor, and being able to afford a visit to the doctor, being able to afford housing, being able to afford to raise a family, these are not minor things. And at a certain point many will just give up, and give in to those who offer security and comfort. And also there’s just a ton of youth media whose only core value is wealth obtainment. I’ve several friends proudly proclaiming they can’t wait to be rich, will grind and hustle, but can’t be bothered to vote; including a couple with graduate degrees.

      I think a lot of people put way too much weight on these terms: baby-boomer, genz, millennial etc. They’re primarily used for marketers to try and segment us into targetable demographics. And by lazy journalist to make very broad sweeping categorizations of huge groups of people. Sociologists and economists probably use the terms with a bit more specificity on average, but that gets lost when communicating with a general audience. I think we have way more in common then a lot of us like to think. I typically get down-voted for having this opinion, because a lot of people don’t want to hear that, no they are not actually special. There have been many amazing people that came from the generations prior to our own, there will be some from our own, but most of us will behave the same way humanity always has when put in similar conditions.

    • @[email protected]
      251 year ago

      I have little hope that future generations will be better at running the planet. So far they appear to be arguably just as easily influenced, open to fads and greedy as their parents.

      “True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.”

    • mo_ztt ✅
      41 year ago

      Preach. When I was growing up, no one gave a shit about climate change, no one gave a shit about Wall Street, they just wanted to get a sweet job and join the stealers instead of the stolen-from. Today’s youth actually seem like they care and want to work for change.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Yet they can’t even get a job as a cashier because of self checkout, and can’t get an entry level job because the listing requires 8 years experience…

        • mo_ztt ✅
          1 year ago

          Maybe the two go hand in hand. I knew a lot of people when I was young who wanted to change the world, then as soon as they could start doing pretty well if they stopped caring, they stopped caring. Maybe if you can’t ever do pretty well, you never stop caring.

          There were some exceptions to that, but it was pretty upsetting to me how quick most people folded once rent was due. I mean, I get it. But also it was quick.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            How does any of that have anything to do with my comment?

            Willpower doesn’t get you anywhere when corporations have replaced so many jobs with robots, computers and AI, or require 5 to 8 years experience for an ‘entry level’ job.

            Eat the rich.

            • GreenM
              11 year ago

              Willpower will get you far. There was already industrial revolution in the past and thousands of people lost their livings duento bwing replaced by machines. Those who had willpower managed to pull through and even change quaifications and become successful e.g. in service industry. Those who give up before they even try are deem to doom

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                Have you not seen the very true meme about a job listing that requires 5 years experience with a particular programming language, when the author of the language himself called them out and said the language he created was only 2 years old?

                Even with the strongest willpower, 5 years experience simply isn’t possible. And there are many other examples out there of the same sort of thing, where job listings are posted with prerequisites that are simply impossible to meet.

                It’s bullshit I tellz ya.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                Also, what even is an ‘entry level’ job if it requires years of prior experience? That’s a literal catch-22, if it’s impossible to set your foot in the door in the first place, how’s one to gain any experience?

                • GreenM
                  11 year ago

                  Never seen Junior position to require 22 years of exp. Doesn’t make sense for companies to look for impossible, they would simply not look for anyone. And if they would look for 22 yrs of exp that would be senior because peeps carriers are about that long in some cases.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Are you a millennial? Because I am, and everything you just mentioned is what was championed when I was in my early 20s. The sweet job was wanted once we hit the recession and couldn’t get a job at fuckin Target as a cashier even if you had a MBA.

      • GreenM
        11 year ago

        To me it seems you just described youths in general. 🤔

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Born in the upper half of the 90s - yeah, maybe. 2000+ - I’m not sure at best. Sometimes I meet amazingly smart people on the first look from that group, but then there are gaping white spots in their worldview.

      and I feel like they are more exposed to internet media that they aren’t easily influenced.

      That’s wrong. They are fscking clueless.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        I’m tail end of the 90s and my half brother is late 00s, the difference in attitude, work ethic and learnings is astounding.

        I have personally witnessed this kid (I love him I swear) throw a controller through a TV because Fortnite lost connection (old man turning the wifi off because it’s the only way to get his attention).

        It fucking disgusts me, I know I was bad when I was younger, but nothing like that.

        I’m not even sure Millennials will get their time in the sun at this rate, some numpty in politics will find a new idea for legislation to ensure the millennial suffrage continues unabated.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          Yes. If you can condition mice to do things, you can condition humans.

          So - with that generation the benefit from possibilities they technically have is negated and more by the conditioning which wasn’t quite there when we were growing (it both wasn’t as easy to do and the companies doing it were still developing).

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            I can absolutely point to the exact moment my grades started going down, and it was when I started taking a phone to school. I have no clue why they’re not banned outright, and in some instances in my country they provide these kids with laptops. It was of great use to me in my final school years, however it was borderline necessary to complete many of my studies on a PC. All I hear regarding these newer ones, is that they’re constantly subverting the schools lockdowns of the devices to play Fortnite etc. I remember pulling the exact same shit when Minecraft came out, and we were already making a mess of the library with CS1.6

    • @[email protected]
      -21 year ago

      Aren’t easily influenced?

      Have you been living under a rock?

      In the past 5-10 years all the populist idiot politicians came to power because of internet media, young people sharing hod knows what bullshit with eachother without ever thinking what’s true and not.

      The pandemic and climate change are two enormous problems (one likely terminal) that were riddled with misinformation that caused so much suffering for nothing…

      The next generation is just as bad as the current, and previous

      • @[email protected]
        101 year ago

        Have you been living under a rock?

        What you’re describing is simply the Big Tobacco playbook from the 1950s being adapted into modern communications methods. If we didn’t have internet media, I guarantee you we’d still be seeing pandemic misinformation on AM radio and climate change lies on news networks funded by Shell and BP.

        • GreenM
          41 year ago

          isn’t OP making same point? That is, every generation is similar innterms of being influeced. Why are you guys arguing? 😅

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            I dunno, around here we only use AM radio as an emergency source of information for weather and road hazards.

            I’ve never heard a political nutjob advertising any AM radio station. Only ads I see for AM radio is on the side of the highway in case of emergencies.