I just can’t, and sadly it’s worst in Linux community. Like dude’s face hair makes him look 45, but no, he does a desktop with a cringy looking 15 old anime girl. (That, on top of hiz annoyingly high pitched voice but whatever) I just stop watching the video on the spot, it’s beyond dumb.

The stupid NSFW tag on Lemmy? I turned it ON to occasionally see boobs, not some drawn pictures of underage kiddo, this pisses me off so much, JUST FCKING STAHP with this shit.

I have an impression suddenly, in a span of 2 years everyone started to jerk off on that bullshit and are proud to show it

  • @parpol
    -510 months ago

    Your same argument was used to force gay people into conversion therapy.

    For something to be classified as a mental disorder, it has to cause mental or physical harm to either yourself or your victim. If you molest a child, you have a mental disorder. If you are into child porn, you have a mental disorder. If you are into loli (or just any anime as OP seems to imply is the same) you only have a mental disorder if it is causing yourself mental anguish. In any other case, you are a healthy individual with a victimless fetish that intolerant or misinformed people want to force you to stop with.

    Also, you seem to think people who are into petite body types in anime or even just childish characters also are attracted to real children, but that is far from the truth, and any claims that loli causes pedophilia lacks scientific proof.

    If you are so bothered by people enjoying their victimless fetishes, then you’re the one with mental issues.