I just can’t, and sadly it’s worst in Linux community. Like dude’s face hair makes him look 45, but no, he does a desktop with a cringy looking 15 old anime girl. (That, on top of hiz annoyingly high pitched voice but whatever) I just stop watching the video on the spot, it’s beyond dumb.

The stupid NSFW tag on Lemmy? I turned it ON to occasionally see boobs, not some drawn pictures of underage kiddo, this pisses me off so much, JUST FCKING STAHP with this shit.

I have an impression suddenly, in a span of 2 years everyone started to jerk off on that bullshit and are proud to show it

    • @parpol
      -1110 months ago

      They don’t look like children though. Op just decided they do.

        • @parpol
          -710 months ago

          At least admit you don’t have a credible response instead of labelling people pedophiles. Absolute human trash response. Go back to twitter.