• @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      In my experience, people who carry firearms are much more afraid than normal, because they have a physical object that reminds them to be afraid every time they step out the front door. And in every situation, from the barber to the grocery, they’ve got this heavy metal thing weighing them down while they wonder if this is the time to use it.

    • @[email protected]
      610 months ago

      I’m very much a proponent of 2A rights. But carrying, by itself, is not going to eliminate fear, and may not even moderate it significantly. And someone that’s disabled may not be able to effectively use a firearm, and they certainly won’t be able to use one effectively with training.

        • @[email protected]
          1110 months ago

          Uh, what? I’m Canadian, but isn’t the Second Amendment a negative right? The government isn’t allowed to stop you from carrying a gun. You can agree with that and still think there are reasons an individual might not want to carry a gun.

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          Explain to me then, how it is that you think that a person with a firearm is going to suddenly not feel any fear. Do soldiers charge into machine gun fire without hesitation because they themselves are armed? How is a person with cerebral palsy reasonably expected to wield a firearm?

          I believe you should have the right to own and carry the firearm that works best for you, if you want to. But a gun isn’t a magical talisman that will protect you simply by it’s presence.