• LinkOpensChest.wav
    6610 months ago

    I’d gladly live in one of those apartments in the first picture if it meant that everyone could have a home

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      2510 months ago

      I’d gladly walk my ass out to the wilderness rather than live in an apartment block, but at least then there’d be an extra spot.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        1710 months ago

        The nice thing is in an anarchist society you could do just that, and no one would stop you

        I’d personally prefer to be surrounded by people

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          10 months ago

          Which is why I’m an anarchist. Pretty much every other system would force me to attempt to be happy in an apartment block, or waste huge amounts of resources creating suburbs that are still too goddamn crowded for me

          • @[email protected]
            910 months ago

            I would like to share your attitude but fear the consequences when millions seek a place in the wilderness. What do you do when you arrive and your neighbor asks you to move on because he wants to be more alone?

            • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
              510 months ago

              I want to be more alone too, so I’d probably not get to the point where I was close enough to have them tell me to go away.

              However, most people probably wouldn’t like the actual wilderness. They want a big country house somewhere and when they find out they need to build it themselves they’ll go back to the apartment blocks.

              One reason I’m a fan of making cities less objectively terrible is that more people will live in them and be even further away from my hovel.

        • @[email protected]
          010 months ago

          surrounded by people

          I would literally prefer to put myself in a human sized toaster than live amongst people.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        29 months ago

        You believe that housing is not a basic human right, yet you say to me, “bruh…”

        Just gonna pre-emptively block your bootlicking ass

    • @[email protected]
      -710 months ago

      If everyone thought like this, everyone would have a home.

      And 50 or so people would own all of the rest of the land and do nothing with it because we’re too fucking stupid to realize that a system that wants us all to live in 50m² micro apartments is a load of shit, and strung together by a greedy few.

      There is enough land for us all to live comfortably, but a fraction of a percent don’t want anyone to use most of the land for anything useful so hey let’s just give up and take almost-squalor because at least it not squalor!

      Fuck both these pictures.

      • HatchetHaro
        2010 months ago

        “Land-usage” is such a narrow-minded way to think about the implicit wants and needs of society. You sound like you’ve never been to actual cities, or never got your head far enough out of your arse to actually experience one.

        North American suburban sprawl already proves that “enough land for us all to live comfortably” is a terrible way to live sociable lives and drains the economy due to massive swathes of those lands being used for roads and the maintenance of said roads.

        I implore you to take a trip to almost any European city, and see for yourself what actual “comfortable living” for most people looks like.

        • @[email protected]
          -110 months ago

          I’ve lived in cities my whole life, which paints a pretty broad picture of you doesn’t it? Couldn’t even get the premise of your own bullshit comment right.

        • AgentOrangesicle
          -110 months ago

          …Why did you reinterpret the premise of their statement into something entirely different and then attack them for it?

          I’m not saying your interpretation is wrong, but that was mean.

      • @[email protected]
        1110 months ago

        You make dense housing like these apartments because it is the most practical way to house everybody quickly. Once you take care of the immediate problem, homelessness, you can continue to expand and build nicer, bigger housing for everyone.

        What’s more important, that we have enough resources to house everyone, but there are still people forced to live on the streets or the fact that you don’t like the inconvenience of living in an apartment because it’s too small for you even in the short term? Guess that makes you one of the greedy few that can’t see past their own problems to think of their community.

        Fuck you doubly.