I’m starting to plan what would be my first game. I have a general idea of the movement system I want, but I’m unsure if it will work as I expect it.

Is there any software where I can make a sort of animated mock-up of what I have in mind?

Alternatively, how is this typically addressed in game development?

Thank you!

  • @[email protected]
    1110 months ago

    I would start by learning an engine. GoDot appears to be gaining some traction lately and should have plenty of resources available.

    Once you are really familiar with how to work with an engine, you’ll be able to knock out those proofs really quickly.

    Later, if that engine you’ve started on doesn’t give you what you need, you’ll have the ability to more easily determine what engine would work best for your needs.

    • Gamma
      10 months ago

      fyi Godot doesn’t have a capital D

      Solid advice, learning an engine can make the prototyping stage quick and fun