I recently discovered that you can get Microsoft Edge for Linux (🤢🤮) and am curious… does anyone here use Edge for Linux, or have you ever? What was your reasoning for using it?

EDIT: Well, you all have provided some interesting perspectives I hadn’t ever considered. Including one which means I’ll have to install Edge, so… thanks, I guess. 😂

  • @LeFantome
    610 months ago

    I think of myself as a Firefox user but I probably use Edge on Linux more than any other browser.

    It runs the video conferencing apps I need to use better than anything else. Firefox does not work at all with some of them.

    Obviously, it works well with Outlook and Office 365. I use a number of LMS systems and they all work well with it as well.

    Once you start using it, it is just a great browser though honestly. Before I know it, I have opened a bunch of tabs in Edge and there is no reason to open anything else.