Write a function that prints an n
big tree, e.g. for n=5:
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
| |
Here is what I came up with in C:
N,i;a(n){for(i=N=N?N:n+2;i--;printf(i?"* "+(N-n-1<i):--n?"\n":"\n%*s",N,"| |"));n&&a(n);}
// the invocation isn't part of the golf:
PS: Code blocks currently wrap around when they are too long, I’ve already submitted a patch to make them scroll horizontally instead.
My JavaScript solution -
82103 chars:a=n=>{for(s=‘’,i=1;i<=n;i++)s+=’ ‘.repeat(n-i)+’* ‘.repeat(i)+’\n’;console.log(s)}I’m happy I was able to beat ChatGPT, it had the same strategy but used additional for loops instead of string.repeat(), so it was 113 chars. But I suspect further improvements might be possible with array.reduce or other prototype functions I’m forgetting about.
very cool, but you forgot the trunk
Woops, can you tell my teachers were always on my case for misreading the assignment :P