• Polar
    51 year ago

    Imagine if people understood that not everyone lives where they can ride a bike or take public transit.

    Stop blaming people for being born into a country that essentially requires cars.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Unless you live in the countryside there used to be public transportation in cities until the car companies bought them out and dismantled them

      • @DeprecatedCompatV2
        31 year ago

        Some of us live in places that used to be country and are slowly turning to sprawl. Public transport will work when you bulldoze an area the size of a small country and start over.

          • @DeprecatedCompatV2
            51 year ago

            No they didn’t. They tore up railroad lines and got rid of reliable public transportation. You claim to support the environment, but you’re talking about replacing undeveloped land or farmland with a train. There isn’t enough traffic here to saturate a normal 2-lane road, much less a damn train.

      • Polar
        31 year ago

        Doesn’t sound like blaming people trying to get to work is the correct move, then. Sounds like the car companies are to blame. Yell at them, not random users online who have no other choice.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      Imagine if people who said “We CaNt JuSt TeAr DoWn CaR iNfRaStRuCtUrE fOr TrAnSiT” understood that’s EXACTLY what we did for cars. 🤷

      Stop worshipping your tailpipe and crack a book sometime.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        I as an individual can’t just go and start tearing up roads and install a light rail system. So until there are enough people voting alongside me to change our car dependent infrastructure, I’m going to have to use a car if I want to go anywhere.

        That’s not worship, it’s a necessity.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          The worship is in your incessent need to defend the fossil fuel addiction at all cost, your inherent absorption of driving into your sense of being so you’ll dedicate your time to attacking people who want more and better options for EVERYBODY instead of questioning why you can’t have nice things in the name of Big Oil.

          THAT’S worship.

          • @DeprecatedCompatV2
            11 year ago

            I live somewhere that never had anything but car infrastructure. Should I ride my bike across a 5 line intersection to go to the mall? And before you suggest my local government install a light rail from my house to the mall, I’m surrounded by farmland.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Ah, the argument of the uninformed with no leg to stand on. Imagine if you put half the energy you put into fighting advocates of alternative transportation into literally anything useful. 🤷

          Enjoy your blind worship of big oil.

          • Polar
            01 year ago

            My blind worship because I live where public transit isn’t good, and I’m not biking 45km one way to the store?

            Again, you’re ignorant. You’re fighting nothing. Grow up.