I was forced to fill out an XFA form (that was pretending to be a PDF) from the Canadian government and the experience left me feeling completely subjugated. The lengths that Adobe go to to make sure that you have the most frustrating experience possible is unbelieveable. Searching for alternatives or help leads you to either: be forced to buy their premium software (or a licensed equivalent) or subscribe for Adobe’s online tools. Why is this propriety format allowed in government forms? What is so fantastic/irreplaceable about this format?

  • @[email protected]OP
    29 months ago

    Where you able to convert the form into an open format and also preserve all the original functionality? If this is true then there is absolutely no excuse for these forms not being offered in alternative formats. There are some tools that will let you ‘flatten’ an XFA form to a static PDF but this destroys all the dynamic parts of the original.

    • DarkSirrush
      29 months ago

      No, it got rid of all the dynamic parts. For my purposes they weren’t needed, as it was mostly for a poorly implemented embedded print button, and locking fields to certain data types.

      Completely pointless, because most people here literally just print the pdf and fill it by hand still.