A sign hung in Port Coquitlam advertising a “whites-only” moms and tots group is causing outrage online after photos of a poster were shared on social media.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Sure, but each step you have to take of narrowing the scope of reasonable occurrences re-enforces Occam’s razor.

      Who is more likely to be a smart, tech capable person? A racist who seriously thinks posting up this flyer is a good idea? Or someone who already manages a social media account?

      Each point individually can be chalked up to a coincidence, like yeah okay sure maybe you have this person who is simultaneously tech literate enough to make the nice well formed flyer and setup the centered QR code and setup the telegram account and setup a proton email BUT they are also stupid enough to think this flyer is a good idea?

      Thats a mighty specific type of individual, they exist sure but, thats just one very narrow scope in this situation.

      There’s several more of these weird oddities about the flyer, and when you stack all of them up the whole thing seems extremely unlikely to have been put up by such a person.

      Meanwhile, a tech literate person managing a social media account would be very much capable of making such a flyer, setting up the accounts/group, and is smart enough to know that 90%+ of people will be outraged by the flyer and not bother to dig any deeper than face value, and they know they wont get in any trouble over it because no one would believe the people who actually dig even a little bit into it and point out all the weird shit about the flyer.

      There’s no extra mental gymnastics required for that second conclusion, it’s pretty straightforward and it’s not an unheard of thing to do, people purposefully putting up inflammatory marks in public and sharing them.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Oh fascinating, the prior telegram account was taken down and the new one created.

          Note how the new telegram group was created today, despite the group prior existing yesterday.

          I can also personally confirm the “old” one that was stood up yesterday had different 2 posts, different image, etc etc.

          This one that is at the same URL still only has 2 posts but different ones.

          Not sure if perhaps telegram took down the old group and then someone jumped on creating a new account now, perhaps?

          But its definitely a completely different group from the one made yesterday, I should’ve taken some screencaps of what it looked like.

      • @[email protected]
        -21 year ago

        Occam’s Razor, hmm… “Lots of white people are still racist” vs "[5000 word essay on …]

        • @[email protected]
          -11 year ago

          “If I don’t read someone’ response I wont have to confront the possibility I was mistaken”


          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            I listen to bullshit all day, I’m not trying to engage some internet whacko in good spirited debate. I’m taking public amusement at the irony of you invoking Occams Razor while relying on an explanation that requires that much detail

            • @[email protected]
              01 year ago

              You… realize that the explanation was pointing out explicitly the unlikely scenario required all that detail… right?

              Ergo, that scenario was the one that got Occam’s Razor’d? The one that took all that explaining to do?

              because it requires so much work to explain and try to turn into something plausible?

              You… you get that right?