    39 months ago

    If you don’t want your images to be seen then don’t put them online in the first place.

    I don’t think anyone is objecting to the things they put online being seen. They’re objecting to companies creating derivatives for commercial purposes.

    • FaceDeer
      19 months ago

      So the free open-source AIs are fine? I’ve seen plenty of objections to those as well.

      • @Still
        9 months ago

        I think there is a wording issue going on here, people object to their posts being used in ways they weren’t expecting, in this case people post things for others to see not for use in AI datasets,

        whether the AI is open source or not doesn’t effect anything about the training data being used with or without permission

        • FaceDeer
          19 months ago

          If explicit permission for specifically AI training is required then AI is basically impossible, because nobody gave that permission.

          I don’t think such permission should be required, though, either legally or ethically. When you put something up for public viewing you don’t get to retroactively go “but not like that” when something you didn’t expect looks at it. The permission you gave inherently involves flexibility.