• @[email protected]
      371 year ago

      tankies are a special kind of left, to them authoritarianism, genocide and aparthied are ok if it fuels ‘the revolution’.

            • @[email protected]
              -91 year ago

              Ah yes, if are against the revolution, u must be a capitalist. Personlaly I am a democratic socialist.

              But i am aware of red propaganda to hijack socialist spaces, spread CCP propaganda of how they did nothing wrong and everything is some CIA op.

              Its incredible how much humanity tankies lack when govts commit atrocities against their own just to stay in power. Killing local languages and cultures. Forcing people to rid of their identity and replaced by whoever is in the majority. Assaulting dissidents in foreign soil.

              Censorship is ok as long the red side is doing it. Fuck the Uigyurs right cuz they arent Han Chinese Mandarin speaking people, fuck the Tibetans right cuz they arent Han Chinese, fuck the Inner Mongolians and their desire to keep their language alive? Fuck Taiwan right, my imperialistic goal is more important than the will of Taiwanese. Fuck South East Asia right? The whole of the South China Sea belongs to me cuz i said so. Fuck Indian borders right, my imperialist tendancies are important. The CCP seems quite racist to me.

              Your whole rhethoric is to use copy pasta of long paragraphs and claim everyone against the red army are US spies, when infact we are neither. You are not a communist or socialist, you are an agent of authoritarianism and a prime example of the horse shoe theory.

              Even the left is not with you. You are simply an autocrat disguised as a leftist.

      • Muad'DibberOP
        -11 year ago


        The US currently runs a system of slave labor camps, has been bombing Muslims and Africans for decades, and Europe has been doing the same for hundreds of years. Are these trustworthy sources of information to tell you about their enemies?

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Not to lean to heavy on the whataboutree but you can’t really use that as an excuse when the criticism is coming from the left. They don’t support the other thing either, so it seems almost like deflection from valid criticism and a missed opportunity to tackle a contradiction.

          • Muad'DibberOP
            -21 year ago

            The US has > 800 external military bases. Every other country combined has < 20. Which one is credible?

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Why don’t you apply dialectical materialism and tell me what you think. You’d get a lot farther than using a thought-terminating cliché.

              Or put a little more directly, what makes more sense in taking down that behemoth: finding common ground with people who ultimately want the same thing as you, or dying on a hill and banishing anyone who disagrees with something that isn’t even relevant in this day and age?

              It’s a deeply reactionary urge to want to win the ideal at the cost of the material. It’s why liberalism has gotten as far as it has.

              • Muad'DibberOP
                1 year ago

                Sure, diamat would say that in the age of super-imperialism that we’re now in, where the majority of surplus value comes from super-exploited global-south proletarians, demands that one or a group of countries must use violence to enforce that order, and keep the exploited countries weak and poor.

                Capitalism’s current enforcer is the US, with its military might, dollar hegemony, and media monopoly. That is why the US has so many external military bases. They don’t have them because they’re fun to build.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  Then you can see how people would want to go from hyperexploitation to no exploitation, rather than daydreaming of the lesser of two evils.

                  Actually, most people are libs who genuinely got off twitter so they could join bluesky, so they want slightly less hyperexploitation 😒

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          You’re saying that like Russia and China don’t have slave labor camps and haven’t been bombing Africans and Muslims for decades.

          • @[email protected]
            61 year ago

            No, he has said nothing about China or Russia. (Self?) criticism is a sign of maturity and wit. Being a western and adhere to western values doesn’t imply assuming justifying it all. In the west we do not have total freedom of speech and/or pluralism of information and, yes, there are worrying “new” forms of slavery.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              You can’t say western news aren’t trustworthy and then rule out basically any other source of news implied. Unless your point is that news cannot be trusted from anyone ever, which is kinda a moot point.

              If you discount the entire west you are left with Russia, China, the middle east, Africa.

              None of them have a better track record in human rights violation then the west, which you discredited for exactly that.

            • @[email protected]
              -31 year ago

              China and Russia are absolutely relevant, since this post is about tankies. This isn’t deflecting critique of the west, it’s pointing out the hipocrasy of using these faults in the US as a defence of Russia/China.

          • Muad'DibberOP
            31 year ago

            You’re saying that like Russia and China don’t have slave labor camps and haven’t been bombing Africans and Muslims for decades.

            Where on earth are you getting this?? China hasn’t been involved in an external conflict since the 60s!

            • @[email protected]
              01 year ago

              Admittedly China hasn’t militarily invaded another country since it’s invasion of Vietnam in 79. Though the Uyghur genocide doesn’t strike me as a lot more benevolent than the ongoing wars in Africa and Middle East.

              • Muad'DibberOP
                -11 year ago

                The majority of the world (notably the vast majority of Muslim countries, who would be burdened with a refugee crisis if there were an actual genocide) doesn’t think China is killing Uyghurs. Only the imperial core countries, that have been bombing Muslims for decades think that:

                Here’s the people telling you that China is killing Muslims:

    • @[email protected]
      191 year ago

      They aren’t left enough for the tankies. If you don’t want to resolve NATO and burn America/the west to the ground you aren’t left enough. You are clearly a filthy conservative liberal if you think otherwise. Also, Tianamen square didn’t happen and neither did all the people Stalin massacred and all the body counts from the great leap forward under Mao are totally made up.