65% of U.S. adults say the way the president is elected should be changed so that the winner of the popular vote nationwide wins the presidency.

  • Flying Squid
    11 year ago

    And you got your medical degree from where?

    I mean since you’re talking about health… by the way, speaking of health, I’m semi-disabled because of it, which is another reason I post so much. So I’m already not healthy.

    Not that you give a shit. You’re not actually interested in me beyond telling me how awful I am.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I don’t need a medical degree to know that spending all day long arguing with people online is not healthy, other people with medical degrees have already studied and proven that.

      I also don’t need a medical degree to know that your mental health can decline from an unhealthy behavior even if you already have another ailment (or disability even), not sure where you got that from. It’s not like there are only two states of “healthy” and “unhealthy”.

      I didn’t say you’re awful, I said you’re engaging in an unhealthy behavior.

      • Flying Squid
        11 year ago

        Guess it’s good I don’t spend “all day long arguing with people online.” That would be false.

        And, again, I am unhealthy. I have trigeminal neuralgia, (aka the suicide disease) and, due to an ulcer, I haven’t had a morsel of food in my stomach for five weeks now. So frankly, the fact that I haven’t thrown myself in front of a bus right now is pretty fucking mentally healthy thank you very much.

        Now, any more pop psychiatry or are you done?

        By the way, you didn’t have to say I’m awful. I can read between the lines. I guess you think I’m stupid as well as unhealthy.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          I don’t think I implied either of those things, but it’s fine, I’ll be done now. I don’t want to be an enabler for you any more than I already have here.

          • Flying Squid
            11 year ago

            You absolutely implied them. And your being intentionally obtuse about it is pretty fucking transparent. But good. I’m glad you won’t “enable” me any more because I don’t need to deal with people being jerks to me.