in sequelize (javascript) it’s pretty straightforward to either find a record, or create it if it doesn’t exist. I don’t see anything similar with sea-orm. There’s a ‘save’ method that seems to insert or update, but I need to know details about the record ahead of time :/

Any ideas?

  • @nerdbloodOP
    19 months ago

    I’m new to multithreaded programming. How would some other thread create it? Like what’s the real-world scenario?

    • @snaggen
      29 months ago

      That is all dependent on the program, but the simplest scenario is by an API with two requests at the same time. But it may also be like if you scan for new files, and use inotify, then you may also have a scanning loop as a fallback. Then the scan and inotify may trigger at almost the same time, so if that then results in a db create or insert you can get in to this problem. So, there are multiple ways to get in to trouble, and life always find new ways 😀

      • @nerdbloodOP
        19 months ago

        Indeed it does haha, thanks