• @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    You’re not grasping reality. You’re just ignoring what people say and spouting unearned arrogance

    • @Decompose
      9 months ago

      I think people like you have such a huge ego that they don’t want to see themselves proven wrong, not even partially. Discussions with you is a waste of time.

      This forum is communist to the bones, and even though you needed a paper to partially validate my claim but in reality only to add other reasons to my claim, not a single person who talked here started with “yes, I see your point. Stimmy was a huge contributer, but I think X is also responsible”. So, spare me your bullshit on reality. I do have a grasp on reality alright, but you are a bunch of heavily brainwashed plebs who just want an excuse to blame greeeeeeeeeeeed… because you’re losers who want communism. Excuse me for seeing you as nothing but parasites. I will never take anyone in this forum seriously before seeing a huuuuuuge sign of talking in good faith. Haven’t seen that yet. You all have rotten agendas that you care about more than anything you would do in good faith. Fix that, then bullshit me about reality. Don’t bullshit a bullshitter. Class dismissed.