A man who killed and ate a man has been released back into public life after ten years.

Tyree Smith, from Bridgeport, Connecticut, killed a homeless man and then ate his brain and eyeballs according to officials.

The horrific case made headline news, with Smith found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity after a July 2013 trial.

In lieu of a stint behind bars, Smith was ordered committed to a state psychiatric hospital for 60 years.

But now, ten years after the grim incident, the state Psychiatric Security Review Board said Smith was ready to be transitioned back into the community.

Smith has been released from the facility, Connecticut’s most secure, as of writing.

He will be living in a Waterbury group home, and is not allowed to associate with anyone involved in criminal activity.

The board stated in its report: “Tyree Smith is an individual with a psychiatric illness requiring care, custody and treatment.

“Since his last hearing Tyree Smith has continued to demonstrate clinical stability.

“Mr. Smith is medication compliant, actively engaged in all recommended forms of treatment, and has been symptom-free for many years.”

During the trial, Smith’s cousin Nicole Rabb claimed he arrived at her Connecticut home in December 2011, talking about Greek gods and ruminating about needing to go out and get blood.

When she saw him the next evening she noticed what appeared to be specks of blood on his pants and that he was carrying chopsticks and a bloody ax.

Smith then allegedly told Rabb he killed a man and ate his brains in the Lakeview Cemetery while drinking sake, and grimly warned he intended to eat more people.

A month later, police found Angel Gonzalez’s mutilated body in the vacant apartment on Brooks Street in Bridgeport where Smith had lived as a child.

Police later recovered the bloody ax and an empty bottle of sake in a stream bed near the Boston Avenue cemetery.

The defense’s case rested on the testimony of Yale University psychiatrist Dr. Reena Kapoor, who testified that Smith had kept his lust for human flesh after his arrest, even offering to eat her.

Kapoor claimed Smith suffered from psychotic incidents since childhood and heard voices that told him to kill people.

She then said the voices ordered Smith to eat the victim’s brain so they would get a better understanding of human behavior and the eyes so that they could see into the “spirit realm.”

Kapoor added that Smith went to Subway after eating the man’s body parts.

The report on Smith’s release said: “He denied experiencing cravings but stated that if they were to arise, he would reach out to his hospital and community supports and providers.”

    • @[email protected]
      -41 year ago

      Ten years is the price of someone else’s entire life? There should be no system in which robbing someone of their future so deliberately should be washed away.

      He wanted to eat someone. You don’t have to murder to get access to a corpse. Cold blooded murder should not be seen as ‘correctable’. A man lost his entire life. He loses only ten years. Fuck that.

        • @[email protected]
          -41 year ago

          Murder is 20 to life. How did he get half the minimum sentencing? Ah, plead insanity and then wiggled around the system by getting a clean bill of health so long as he stays on his meds.

          What happens if he misses a dose? Hell I missed mine today because I got busy. My blood pressure is a little high but he might decide to kill and eat someone.

          Why the fuck is that an acceptable risk to you?

            • @[email protected]
              -21 year ago

              Man murdered another man, consumed his brain, and got out in half the minimum sentencing time. There is no further context or situation that remedies this, despite how desperate you are to do so.

              • @[email protected]
                41 year ago

                People who had weed on them get more time then this. My last comment got downvoted but when he does it again I will be here to say I told them so.

                • gregorum
                  1 year ago

                  That’s just an argument for legalizing weed.

                • @[email protected]
                  -11 year ago

                  I’m still in disbelief that people are comfortable letting a literal axe murdering cannibal back into society because a small group of people think he’s all better now. I really don’t give a shit if he’s all better now. The amount of people who do this are small enough they shouldn’t get a second chance with society.

              • @[email protected]
                31 year ago

                Did you read the party where he was sentenced to 60 years? The system was ready to keep him for basically his whole life.

          • Domriso
            01 year ago

            You realize he’s going to be in a group home, right? It’s not like he’s just being let out on the streets.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Maybe you missed the part of severe mental health issues?

        This guy didn’t just wake up one day and decide “hey, I’m going to eat someone :)”

        Do everyone a favor and don’t comment on things you clearly know nothing about.

        • @[email protected]
          -51 year ago

          Cool - he shouldn’t be welcomed back into society if those issues are to fucking murder and eat someone. I don’t give a shit how enlightened you think you are, someone should not suffer because you have a boner for “giving everyone a chance at recovery :)” The group of people insane or malicious enough to premeditate their kills is small enough I’m comfortable putting them in a box until they die so nobody else has to be murdered with a fucking axe and eaten you absolute loon.