Idk, doesn’t matter where I go, be it Political Memes, Politics, Elon Musk Spam, etc, it seems everyone hates on capitalism all together-

  • TheYojimbo
    791 year ago

    Because capitalism is burning the earth down for profit and if nothing is done we’re all dead soon ?

    • @[email protected]
      -21 year ago

      we’re all dead soon

      That’s a bit… extreme. We’re all going to be dead soon? You mind elaborating a bit?

      • TheYojimbo
        91 year ago

        Climate change, sea level rising, populations moving to an already overpopulated land mass, wars, pandemics… Capitalism is killing us slowly but surely. And “soon” is a figure of speech, it might take a while but compared to humanity span it’s soon enough. Some might survive, but on the long term humanity is running head first into a wall. We might have the time to change course and only get a few bruises, but the no return point is way past.

        • @[email protected]
          -61 year ago

          Well like everything, capitalism too has its downsides and there’s plenty to improve on, but it’s quite difficult to see how ending capitalism and replacing it with what ever you think it should be replaced with would end stuff like wars or pandemics. Ending capitalism would definitely end certains issues caused by it, but along would come a set of new issues we’re probably not having to deal with now.

          • TheYojimbo
            81 year ago

            capitalism too has its downsides and there’s plenty to improve on

            No I think you don’t understand. Capitalism allows rich people to get richer by exploiting the resources of the earth at the expand of the climate and poor people altogether. It’s not something that can be improved, it’s something that needs to be stopped ASAP.

            And there isn’t ONE solution to “replace” capitalism, like communism or socialism or whatever, it’s all about solutions to each problems : ban private jets, yacht, and stuff like that ; taxing the rich to stop them hoarding all the wealth, more carbon taxes to force companies into being more eco friendly, banning stuff made by slavery, children, and underpaid workers in far countries, favor locally grown goods, raise the minimum wage, etc.

            It’s gonna be hard for everyone but it’s the only way to stop fucking everything up. Capitalism is a cancer that needs to be removed or it will grow until it kill its host. Only the rich will survive, all of us will die slowly.

            • @[email protected]
              -11 year ago

              You first say it’s not something that can be improved and then you list a bunch of ways to improve it. This is exactly my point.

              • TheYojimbo
                1 year ago

                If you want, but we need to get rid of the capital, stock markets, and all other stuff defining capitalism for this shit to work. Capitalism is based on infinite growth, it’s not sustainable.

                • @[email protected]
                  -31 year ago

                  …and replace them with what? I mean, it’s a nice fantasy that’s there’s abundance of everything, nothing costs anything and we’re all just dancing in a circle singing kumbaya happily ever after. However, if you really want to live in a world like that, then you need to come up with some system of economy to produce this abundance. Now you’re just listing things you want to get rid of but you’re giving none and I literally mean zero suggestions how to get there.

                  • TheYojimbo
                    31 year ago

                    What abundance are you talking about ? That’s exactly the problem with capitalism, thinking that resources never end. I’m talking about tightening our belts here, not abundance. And have you seen the wealth some people are hoarding like dragons ? Redistribute some of this, use it towards local sustainable resources and renewable energies.