The volume of a cylinder is found using the formula V = πr2h. Using π = 5, r = 10 and h = 10. Find the volume V.

  • @drcobaltjedi
    49 months ago

    I remember doing multiplication with decimals using lattice multiplication. It’s not hard you just need to know how to move the decimal.

    Side note, I remember in precalc in high school the teacher marked a student wrong on a test, for showing his work using lattice, because the teacher didn’t understand it. The work was right, he showed his work, teacher just didn’t know it so it was wrong. Man I hated that teacher.

    • queermunist she/her
      29 months ago

      You gotta learn that school isn’t about being correct. It’s about obeying authority.

      • @drcobaltjedi
        29 months ago

        Yeah and i was a defiant little shit in high school. Always going to the exact limits of all the rules we were given. Some of the school security didn’t like me, but the teachers did