In 2015, Billingsley was sentenced to 30 years in prison, with 16 years suspended, after he pleaded guilty to a first-degree sex offense, court records show.

The Maryland sex offender registry shows he was released from prison in October. The registry classified him in “tier 3,” which includes the most serious charges and requires offenders to register for life.

  • Kofu
    -101 year ago

    It should on be reserved for the worst of the worst. Not the people they are not sure of.

    Innocent people are being killed by people who have not conscious of guilt don’t care about laws we follow. Kill you just the same.

    Fix that fucking legal system and start a green revolution by deleting the worst criminls we have.

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      It should on be reserved for the worst of the worst. Not the people they are not sure of.

      Do you think you’re the first person that thought of this? Do you really think the justice system is too stupid to say “hey, we should be sure before we use the death penalty”?

      No matter what system you build, it will always kill some innocent people, because no system works perfectly. How is that acceptable to you?

      Innocent people are being killed by people who have not conscious of guilt don’t care about laws we follow. Kill you just the same.

      I’d rather be innocent and be killed by a murderer than by the state. Killing even more innocent people won’t help.

      Fix that fucking legal system and start a green revolution by deleting the worst criminls we have.

      Oh, we just have to fix the legal system, why didn’t we think of that before?

      Or we could delete you and be done with it. Sounds good?

      • Kofu
        1 year ago

        You could if you wanted to but im just saying something and thats not really worth the death penalty, or is it?

        So we just have to accept the system as it is and not try to improve it? Oh boo thats also a very unoriginal idea, almost all ideas are unoriginal when it come to punishments.

        Not just the legal system but society, we live in a society that really does not care about the people lesser in society, literaly try be a homeless guy and get away with a crime where a rich person can just pay the bond and be out!

        Im happy you would rather be killed by a stranger than the state, especially crazy if you were innocent. but, I would argue that the person that killed you, if it was in cold blood, did it with malicious intent had a history of murder, killed you in a mass shooting with no remorse, I would protest the shit out of them being executed rather than spending life in prison. I know you’d probably be apposed to me doing so.

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          You could if you wanted to but im just saying something and thats not really worth the death penalty, or is it?

          Actually no, I think people that like the death penalty are pretty much murderers in waiting. Why wait until you kill someone innocent?

          So we just have to accept the system as it is and not try to improve it? Oh boo thats also a very unoriginal idea, almost all ideas are unoriginal when it come to punishments.

          Where exactly is the improvement when the state kills even more innocent people? Seems to me an improvement would be fewer innocent people put to death.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      The death penalty shouldn’t be a thing. The amount of innocent people it is acceptable to execute in order to catch the “bad guys” is always zero.

      Our whole system needs an overhaul, but it starts with the general public acknowledging that prisoners are people too. Even the really heinous ones. We need to realize that and act accordingly. We need to help these people be better, and if we can’t help them be better. Then they need a safe place away from society.

      • Kofu
        -21 year ago

        Oh yeah, cheers… Muhammad jesus gay sex. 👍

    • BraveSirZaphod
      1 year ago

      At that point, you have to try to draw some kind of distinguishing, which will take quite a lot of time, money, and effort, just to create a punishment that is barely ever used and accomplishes no meaningful advantage over life imprisonment except some sort of rather perverse moral satisfaction.

      In a perfect world, I’d agree that death for the most heinous case that have no legal ambiguity is essentially fine, but in reality, “not legally ambiguous” functionally does not exist, or at the least, it takes a lot of time and money to find it.

      • Kofu
        1 year ago

        Yeah, a perfect world. I agree. I just feel that people who have killed just because they want to,the people that kill their whole family or 30 kids in a school can’t just sit their and live, it might not be the best type of life but its still something their victims don’t have.

        Im mainly really only referring to cases like Chad Doerman. It is an execution case and its not the only one of its type.

        Also I forgot to add. This guy in OP’s post is also a candidate for execution. A serial rapist with a long history of his crime now guilty of murdering a inoccent person. I mean what the fuck did she do to deserve that? he gets to keep on breathing? Fuck that! the system is broken and people suck.

        • BraveSirZaphod
          51 year ago

          The fact of the matter is that you either waste a huge amount of money and time in the process of rigorously defining that category of who deserves the death penalty, or you do literally anything else with those resources.

          And frankly, I don’t think the biggest issue with the prison system right now is a small number of people who deserve death instead being alive, so there are plenty of other things that I’d rather invest in. For instance, the fact that security is so lax that being raped in prison is so common that people literally make casual jokes about it.

          Simply put, this world where the justice system just knows who deserves to die and never makes any mistakes ever does not exist, whether you like that or not.

          • Kofu
            -31 year ago

            See you make it sound like its such a hard decisions. Rigorously define the death penalty? The fuck? You either meet the standard for execution or you don’t, see the case of Chad Doerman (my standard for the death penalty).

            Yes the prison system needs updating but im not talking about prisons.

            Not asking for that perfect world im asking for a world where a person that commits the most serious of crimes, no longer enjoy their life.

            • BraveSirZaphod
              31 year ago

              And I’m saying that what you’re wanting is a fairy tale and doesn’t actually exist (or at the very least, costs a stupid amount of money and resources that could be much better used by doing literally anything else).

              I don’t think we’re gonna get much further here, so respectfully, I’m going to move on.

              • Kofu
                1 year ago

                Its not a fairy tale, what a fairy tale is you think you gonna get funding to stop people in prison from getting turned out. Not gonna happen.

                People don’t usually say “im done with this” but the ones that do are pretty pretentious. You think one thing, I think another, it conversion but your just being… whats the word im looking for? Oh yeah, a dick.

                Their is a dark disgusting part of human society that deserve to take dirt nap in my mind its a simple process for a case already litigated to the point that even a person in a coma could tell they did it with malicious intent.

                You are looking to be a noble person with only the most noble ideals, “I am noble for not letting this killer be himself killed”. How noble of you noble one.

                • BraveSirZaphod
                  41 year ago

                  To be frank, you’re sounding more and more like a child (and spelling like one, I might add), and I’m losing any interest in continuing to speak with you. If you think every stranger on the internet is obligated to spend an unlimited amount of time on a conversation that’s devolving into playground insults, I’m afraid that I simply do not care if someone who can’t grasp the idea that the world is a bit more complicated than they imagine thinking that I’m a pretentious dick.

                  So with that, enjoy prattling on with someone who will listen to you and match your base level of maturity, because I am not one of them.

                  • Kofu
                    -31 year ago

                    People normally just stop talking but you out her making announcements.

                • @[email protected]
                  41 year ago

                  I think we should start executing all the people with your views on criminal justice. Your kind are diseased and I don’t think you have a place in an ideal society.

                  That’s obviously farcical to make a point, but do you see why people may not want to encourage the state monopoly on violence to so easily apply to whoever you want?

                  • Kofu
                    -41 year ago

                    And my crime? A view point? When I’m talking about the worst of the worst. I think you need to really think about what you just said. Killing someone for expressing a view point? There is no place in society for a person such as yourself.

                    Im not asking the government to have carte blanche on killing people for things like stealing from the store or even someone who killed someone in the heat of passion. Im talking about the real cunts.

                    Stop being so ready to kill bro, calm your tits.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      the people they are not sure of

      lol you mean you put people in prison when you’re not sure they’re guilty over there?

      “Yeah we’re not completely sure he murdered this woman so we’re not going to kill him, just put him in prison for 30 years in case he’s actually guilty.”

      • Kofu
        -41 year ago


        Executions should be reserved for the worst of the worst and not the legally ambiguous

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          I don’t think “legally ambiguous” qualifies as “beyond a reasonable doubt” is my point.

          • Kofu
            -41 year ago

            Chad Doerman tell me what you decide.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      It should on be reserved for the worst of the worst. Not the people they are not sure of.

      How is that different than the system right now?

      We’re treating the symptoms, not the cause. There will always be shit people out there, but this late stage capitalism hellscape in tandem with incarceration which is punative rather than focused on treatment makes for a really fucked up society where as soon as someone fucks up, they’re basically done for life. This outcome was tragically predictable

      I guess killing all of them is one solution, but what the fuck?

      • Kofu
        01 year ago

        It would be hard to do that with the current system. Which means it would require a complete overhaul of the justice system, which I would argue is something that is desperately needed. There are too many corrupt individuals on all level of the system that needs correcting.

        Look at BTK he is just sitting there in prison, just chilling allowed to live while his victims are not.

        I guess I’m riled up but the Chad Doerman documents I watch because, 3 kids man, 3 kids that did nothing dead and he did not give one shit. His wife was wounded as she lay trying to protect them right there on the front lawn. Maybe its retribution i wish but I just know why he is allowed to live.

        Fixing our judicial system is arguably easier to fix than the human condition. We need to help people out of poverty, we need to give people their basic needs, they need education, heathcare and a whole host of things, housing, jobs, the list goes on. I would say if people had access to proper service and live reasonable life will eliminate a lot of crime. Can we do that?