a perennial favorite topic of debate. sound off in the replies.

  • F4stL4ne
    1 year ago

    In some countries they don’t have copyright, but they have author’s right.

    Author’s right is apply to the work and is exclusively the property of the author until the end of times (literary). This right is apply automatically on the idea of the work (it doesn’t have to be made flesh).

    It’s a moral right that make the author the only one to have paternity over the work and the keeper of the work’s integrity.

    It’s also a patrimonial right as the copyright (the one to make money with), which is transferred to the children at death for 70 years.

    The good thing with this is : the author is 100% responsible for what becomes of the work. The author have a hudge power. And artists should be held responsible for the things done with their work. The sad thing is authors mostly still behave has if the were exploited by labels and editors. The bad thing is the patrimonial rights should expire at death not 70 years later.

    As others have said libre and open source licences are a way to gain that kind of control over the work under copyright laws.