like what did you dream for in the future or wanted as a job for when you became an adult. what did you end up getting stuck with?

i dident really have a dream as a kid, those were the years when i messed around and learned. now im in high school struggling with life and being paranoid for dumb reasons.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Wanted to be an inventor since I can remember, kinda like George Gearloose.

    Managed to set fire to my dad’s Lego train by bypassing the controller and sticking the rails directly into the wall socket at age 4. Told ya fuckers that the cable for the radio matched the cable for the rails! But would you listen? Oooh no, you wouldn’t. Had to wait all the loooong time for mom to go to the toilet to try out my idea. And yes, I did cry a lot afterwards.

    Currently I’m an engineer on master level working with startups, but haven’t gotten around to get a doctors/PHD yet, if I ever choose to attempt one.

    Now, my sister was different, didn’t have any real idea what she wanted to do, probably something with art? So back when I just started learning about C I made a simple project with her, where I did the programming, and she decided on the user interface and did some simple copy pasting. Contrary to me, she very much likes making and solving patterns, such as sodoku, and since has become a frontend engineer, combining work with people, arts and design, and programming.

    What I’m trying to say is, that you might find your interests reflected in unlikely places. It can be hard to find them, but keep looking until you find something that catches your fancy. And don’t expect this choice to always be sunny and fun. Even those who have their work laid out for them at birth struggle and question themselves every now and again. :)