Hi there,

I’m trying to do some native windows rust programming. I’m using native-windows-gui and native-windows-derive to do it, but if I try to mix that with tokio, I get the following:

No entry point found error for GetWindowSubclass. On console, I get:

error: process didn't exit successfully: `C:\source\myprojectanem\target\debug\myprojectname.exe` (exit code: 0xc0000139, STATUS_ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND)

If I change

async fn main() {


fn main() {

The problem goes away, but obviously I can’t use tokio then.

Any clue what the problem is and how to fix it?

  • modulusOP
    61 year ago

    Apparently the problem is due to an incompatibility between the use of certain libraries (winapi and windows-sys) which use different versions of COM. At least so I deduce from the documentation I’ve read.

    There’s a workaaround:

    On Cargo.toml, use.

    embed-manifest = "1.3.1"

    And on the root of the project (not the src dir) create a build.rs file with the following content:

    use embed_manifest::{embed_manifest, new_manifest};
    fn main() {
        if std::env::var_os("CARGO_CFG_WINDOWS").is_some() {
            embed_manifest(new_manifest("Contoso.Sample")).expect("unable to embed manifest file");

    This embeds a manifest together with the executable, solving the issue.