Statistic on the news said that 50% of the population there are under 18…

  • @4L3moNemo
    9 months ago

    I have a question. How many homeless people do we need to build a house, taken that stones, clay and sticks are available (or provided)? People once build pyramids there. World is anyway supporting them with food and a means to live – can’t the leadership be provided too (if they can’t organize themselves)? Can’t able to work build the houses for themselves and others? What do they do all day?

    P.S. and I understand than not everybody can work, some have health issues - but hey, we are talking about 12milion, sure there are atleast 120k able to work persons in that crowd, who could work for 2 hours per day each.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      So you want to make a scrap material slum? With no infrastructure like running water or sewage?

              • @4L3moNemo
                -29 months ago

                Do you imply all theirs mothers were?

                  • @4L3moNemo
                    19 months ago

                    I may assume that you live in plain english speaking country and have a naive imagining of how non native speakers may use your language. :) Even thinking directly in non native language, one is almost always not sure about every and each conotation of words and phrases he used. So here we go, here comes the overexplanation, repeating yourself, pinpointing the exact meaning you want to comunicate, or even failing in example tools by which you try to express your question, your point of view, or try to get into broader or narrower scope, or try to dig into the problem to understand it. Add to this a somewhat limited (compared to native speaker) vocabulary, add no proofing tools and the speed of live speach (cause who cares about comment on internet to write it less fast than you type, you do not edit it for a half hour). Here, you see, here’s your wall of text about a subject.

                    What does deminishing or trying to atack a disputant personaly, give to a subject? Anything else except of that a joker can’t or isn’t able to talk about a subject so he choses an easy way :) Way too easy way, but I aknowledge yours comment was funny enought to try to tease you more :))))

    • @4L3moNemo
      9 months ago

      P.S. I’ve read a bit about specifics of Egyptian homelesness problem. I see that the problem for the big part here is, a bit, of a diferent kind of nature… than in long term (almost permanent) refugies camps, or former Gaza strip (as an example), where almost everything is/was suplied.

      Seams, that Egyptian government doesn’t even know (have exact criteria) whom to count as a homeless ones there and lot’s of people seam to be living in undeveloped self-build slums without improving the enviroment themselves further or for better. It’s hard to understand – is it because it is good enougth for them as is, or that they have diferent priorities or no good leadership. Anyway even if full support is not provided, or only partial is – living in whatever shelter in africa south is much, much easyer than in (as for example) in north europe, where it would be a certain death at the first winter, or even as early as autumn. Maybe north people (and societies) been forced by nature elements to become more self incentivised (othervise death) to take care of enviroment and homes development up to the level, or maybe in north simply nobody survived it in enough amounts to procreate endles generations of homeless up to astonishing 12 milion numbers. Such number of people can build a country and we are talking about what if 10% of them took a part (atleast two hours per day) in helping to build and develop their enviroment themselves. My first question stands – how many homeless is needed to build a house for themselves? I’ll just corect it with adding – and to improve, develop enviroment around it.