This is AFTER debloating all the MS bs as much as I can.

The amount of MS telemetry is just mindboggling.

    • Cosmic Cleric
      11 year ago

      I’m using telemetry to figure out what’s wrong

      That’s moving the goalpost. We were talking about improving UX for humans, not bug tracking.

      what’s used and what isn’t used

      You can gather that from non-telemetry means as well. Also, if you’re adding functionality into an application without the analysis and design portion of the development cycle not identifying them as little-used features, then you’re doing software development wrong.

      You can call yourself an expert as much as you want, it’s a tool that’s useful to me, so you saying it’s white noises and not useful bears no weight

      Well, I can’t stop you from putting your fingers in your ears and going “LA! LA! LA! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” either, but that doesn’t make you right, or smart.

      Me? I listen when an expert in a field tells me something (especially when its for free!), it usually benefits me in the long run.

        • Cosmic Cleric
          11 year ago

          Just flaunt authority argument and speak with conviction until they stop arguing” is the best I could make out of this whole interaction I guess.

          You’re not being intellectually honest.