• Communist
    9 months ago

    From a socialist perspective, the concept of workers receiving the full value of their labor is about creating a fair and equitable economic system that minimizes exploitation and inequality. Let’s address your points one by one:

    Concurrent Workers and Wage Competition:

    • Socialism aims to prevent workers from competing against each other for wages by promoting cooperation and solidarity. It advocates for collective ownership of the means of production, where workers collectively make decisions about their work conditions and compensation. The goal is to ensure that workers’ wages are determined democratically, rather than through cutthroat competition.

    Specialists and High Wages:

    • In a socialist system, the value of specialized work is indeed recognized. Socialists typically argue for a wage structure that takes into account factors like skill, effort, and time spent on a task. Specialists may receive higher compensation, but it would be subject to democratic decision-making and not driven solely by profit motives. The goal is to ensure that everyone’s work is fairly rewarded based on the principle of “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”

    CEOs and Owners:

    • In socialism, the compensation of CEOs and owners is subject to scrutiny. Socialists often advocate for limiting excessive income disparities and ensuring that wealth is distributed more equitably. Compensation for CEOs and owners may be determined democratically, and mechanisms would be in place to prevent exploitation and wealth accumulation at the expense of workers.

    Measuring “Full Value”:

    • The measurement of “full value” can take into account various factors, including labor hours, labor effort, and the effect of one’s work. It is not just about the abstract value of a product, but also the social and human elements involved in its creation. Socialists typically support systems where these factors are collectively assessed and where decisions on compensation are made democratically to ensure fairness.

    Value in Doing Nothing:

    • Socialists recognize that there are cases where strategic inaction or delayed action can create value, such as optimizing logistics. In a socialist system, these decisions would be made collectively, taking into account the best interests of society as a whole, rather than being driven solely by profit motives. The goal is to prioritize the common good over individual profit.

    In summary, the socialist ideal of workers receiving the full value of their labor is rooted in principles of fairness, cooperation, and democratic decision-making. It seeks to create an economic system where wealth and value are distributed more equitably, and where decisions about compensation and resource allocation are made with the well-being of all members of society in mind.

    • @4L3moNemo
      19 months ago

      We workers (not beeing owners, not caring about long term, jumping jobs each 2-5 years) vote to get 99% of next two years sales profits: a) owners vote to hire new workers; or b) bussiness fails (no reinvestments, no acumulation of capital, owners vote themselves out minimising losses). ;)

      We workers are coowners of bussines (we invest into shares) – we vote, make decisions rooting them in those good and nice principles you have mentioned, fairness, cooperation, and democratic decision-making. But now we think about bussiness, including growth of our shares (our common capital) too.

      How I see it, the dream socialists (leftists) are dreaming of (or declare to dream to get popular votes) is already here and now. The only difference in between talking about that dream and living in it, is the decision. Decision to take responsibilities, take part in risks by coowning not only profits and values, but risks and development too – that is literally meaning becoming a coowner. Buying into the bussiness, making your own, working into it.

      The problem (if any) is not in the capitalism of democratic world, but in the people who do not want to participate and coown their enviroment. Be it a bussines where they don’t want to coown risks and futures, but want to divide value. Be it a businesses owners whom do not coown a public good and future and just look into their subspace by depleating everything whats outside their assumed ownership. Or be it a public park, or just simple plain wild, semi-wild nature where some people litter without care, without understanding that all society coowns it, and that means they are already included, that means they themselves individualy also coown it.

      Want to divide value in to some other understanding of fairness than current owners, management, board, public, city, town, community? Coown it, but coown it whole and all, not just parts you like.