I mean, seriously. I was stupid enough to take on the burden of student loans. At least give me the dignity of having the responsibility of paying them off.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Government guaranteed student loans are a direct factor in the rise of the cost of education. If a seller knows buyers can afford a certain product, they will raise the price to what they know the buyer’s can afford. The loan guarantee means the minimum price of college is going to be the guaranteed loan amount.

    Removing government guaranteed student loans, means prices will actually have to follow demand. And there won’t be an unlimited pile of " free money " that students can tap into.

    As a bonus make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy again.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      This is sort of true, but in fact demand has also risen a ton and colleges have not expanded or multiplied enough to keep up.