I’m doing a solo coding project for work. It’s a tool that you interact with similar to npm or cargo, where you can create a new workspace, run / test etc. Importantly, you have to be in the working directory for the commands to work…
Yesterday I decided to go home early to do remote work at home. Before i left i quickly did git add .
, committed and pushed. I turned on my computer this morning, ran git pull, and noticed that… only some files got pushed, but more importantly none of the code i wrote yesterday made it through. Yup, I was still cd’d into my workspace folder and not at the project root, so I only committed the mock workspace folder 😄
Luckily i didnt write or change much this time, but lesson learned: git add -A
or git commit -am '...'
I always do a git status just to be sure before a commit
Or use tig. It’s a great CLI tool to view git status, stage/unstage, and view history. And I never really hear anyone talk about it.
Thanks, i will take a look