• Ivy Raven
    379 months ago

    Just more monopolies coming I’d wager. Disney is supposedly looking at buying EA. Microsoft and Sony have shown they both would rather buy companies and consolidate studios over how it was before.

    As others have said it’ll be not good for the gamer/consumer. Nor will it be good for people working in the industry.

    • interolivary
      209 months ago

      This is the correct answer. The same is playing out in so many other industries; the big players don’t bother innovating anymore, it’s easier to make more money by buying out their smaller competitors and essentially killing them by subsuming them.

      Consumers have fewer and fewer real options for anything, everything costs more and more (the majority of current inflation is actually driven by execs realizing they can just raise prices and blame it on the “economy”), and the quality of everything is going down because why bother with quality when the goal is to make more money?

      “But the free markets will solve this! A company making a better product will win over consumers!”, the market liberal says. “Oh, a competitor! We can’t have that, let’s buy them and make sure they can’t affect our bottom line” says the megacorp, and before you know it the “superior option” will have disappeared because producing it was 15% more expensive than producing shit.

      • ampersandrew
        59 months ago

        The big players don’t bother innovating anymore, which is why they don’t see any other option except to sell to someone bigger than them. Meanwhile, publishers that used to be small are getting much larger by offering the breadth of games that the biggest publishers haven’t for 20 years. To think that things can only get worse is to ignore what’s happening right in front of us.

    • @[email protected]
      59 months ago

      If Microsoft and Sony get into an acquisition war, Microsoft will beat Sony out each and every time.

      Microsoft just has WAY more cash, they’re a much bigger company. Sony can’t afford to do that.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        That assumes Phil Spencer’s daddy wants to spend more cloud-earned cash on toys that nobody will use. While Microsoft is undoubtedly the bigger company, Sony’s revenue is much more dependant on Playstation.