Prologue: Long time Reddit subscriber, this Lemmy thing seems neat. I will probably ditch Reddit completely. Hi everyone!

tldr; joined new team two performance review cycles ago. Reorg before I joined, now have inexperienced manager who is different than hiring manager. Things went downhill after a while, probably due to personal issues, now my job is at risk. Another reorg with new manager happening soon, trying to save myself from layoff until then and trying to save my rep. Wondering how to do this best.

  • @fololzlOP
    1 year ago

    Just wanted to give a quick update on this as I always feel it’s nice for the people who gave advice to know what happened afterwards.

    I went into the call with my skip level having prepared a ca. 5 minute long script. I made sure to pay some respects, tried to briefly address the main criticisms, and how I feel about them. Plus I mentioned some examples where things have led to conflicts. I also made sure to highlight once more the impact I’ve had so far and that I’ve developed a close bond with a few other senior devs. I told her that I understand the criticisms, and that I take them seriously, but considering my contributions so far I find an off track rating unjustified given the consequences it has. My skip level said they were considering it but nothing is decided yet.

    She was also downplaying the importance of an off track rating, saying it won’t mean a layoff, as they would have other tools for that. And my skip level said she wasn’t aware that an off track rating would necessarily lead to a PIP (it’s company policy that off track = PIP).

    As this isn’t too promising, I’ve started applying externally and will have a conversation with another team about a potential switch next week. I don’t want to rush things, but I also don’t feel like it would be smart to just wait this out and hope for the best.