• Spellbind0127
    01 year ago

    @RandoCalrandian l@Spellbind0127 because thats the law you can’t just change the license of code that other have contributed to just because you own the repository doesn’t make it so you own the legal rights to all the code. (Your an idiot if you say otherwise. )

    • RandoCalrandian
      11 year ago

      Then cite the law, since you seem so confident about it

      Or even one instance of legal consequences being brought against an open source code owner who changed the license (betting you can’t find one)

      The truth of the matter is licenses mean nothing to the people who don’t have the resources to hire lawyers to argue about them.

      The owner of the NPM repo that took down 1/3 of the internet because he decided he didn’t want to share anymore had a license, and NPM said “yeah, well, we’re taking your work anyway, fuck you” and what was supposedly “legal” meant fuck all

    • RandoCalrandian
      11 year ago

      lol, you clearly don’t know law

      They can release the next version under whatever license they want, because they own the code

      Happens all the time