Republicans dropped Rep. Jim Jordan on Friday as their nominee for House speaker, making the decision during a closed-door session after the hard-edged ally of Donald Trump failed badly on a third ballot for the gavel.

The blocked-House impasse deepening, Republicans have no realistic or workable plan to unite the fractured GOP majority, elect a new speaker and return to the work of Congress that has been languishing since hard-liners ousted Kevin McCarthy at the start of the month.

  • @[email protected]
    111 months ago

    I wish he could, but that puts him second in line for the presidency and he wasn’t born a natural US citizen.

    • @[email protected]
      3311 months ago

      That’s actually not a concern in regards to Gov. Schwarzenegger. IANAL but requirements for speaker of the house are somewhat lax; some people argue that a candidate doesn’t even have to be a member of the house.

      In regards to being in line for presidency, succession would skip over Gov. Schwarzenegger until succession finds someone who does meet requirements should such a need arise.

    • Uglyhead
      2411 months ago

      The fact that he couldn’t become POTUS would only be a plus in Dems in the house voting for him for speaker.

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      Which is kinda a dumb rule because Schwarzenegger has a lot more loyalty to the people than Trump ever did, despite where both were born.

      It also lead to the whole debate about Obama’s birth, which was just a technical debate rather than relevant at all to how good of a president he could be.