Yes, who haven’t had a glass of red wine, relaxing music and some inline assembly…

    • @gnus_migrate
      311 year ago

      Proofs of concept are a very common thing everywhere. Sometimes it’s easier just to show code instead of explaining everything, which was the case here.

        • @blurr11
          231 year ago

          This is a crazy take.

          So in your view nothing is worth sharing unless its complete and you “deserve” full credit? So the concept of idea sharing is alien to you?

          The idea of proof of concept is not to claim a stake on a concept. The idea is to show the feasibility of something using some assumptions. It allows you to reason about the work and decide if you should commit to further exploring the concept, or it allows you to identify the key hurdles. It also allows you to even just record a thought or idea because it might be useful to others.

        • @avonarret1
          141 year ago

          I’m wondering who actually is out of touch here. You don’t seem to understand fundamental concepts and instead of thinking about what a “proof of concept” is, why they exist and what benefits they bring.

          Nobody knows you and by that you didn’t contribute anything to the global community but seem to think that you are more accomplished than Linus Torvalds. Do you even know who that person is?