• @[email protected]
    128 months ago

    The size of the company making the claim has no correlation to the veracity of the claim.

    BP, Exxon, Shell spent decades claiming global warming wasn’t real.

    Philip Morris & British American Tobacco spent decades telling us smoking didnt cause cancer.

    All of whom are or were as large as Toyota.

    Look at their track record and judge their words against their actions.

    Toyota has spent considerable sums over many years campaigning against Electric Vehicles.


    So should you believe a company that says it’s about to table the next huge EV breakthrough when it fouht tooth and nail to slow that transition ?

    Your choice, but I won’t until I see something more substantial than press releases

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      Also look at thier pathetic EV offerings at the moment: they’re obviously still in the “build compliance EVs until the hydrogen ones are ready” mindset: https://youtu.be/yOeDJ7s_LCc

      They’d be better off if they just took an off the shelf battery pack and put it in the muria instead of a hydrogen fuel cell…