do the right wing guys think it’s like a draco malfoy thing where they’re a good guy underneath?

like when it’s like a lady and a cop and the lady seems like a normal sorta boring suburban lady

do you know what i mean. this is one of the things where if you try to ask an AI bot it yells at you

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    -711 months ago

    He said he wants to accumulate wealth for retirement.

    Somehow you heard “and fuck the minorities, too” despite not having said that or even remotely implied that. If he’s insulted, it’s because you’re putting words in their mouth.

    • darq
      1411 months ago

      He said that he values those more than dignity of minorities. Like, not implied it, directly said it.

      So no. I’m not putting a single word in his mouth.

      • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
        -311 months ago

        In the eyes of progressives, conservative politicians undermine the dignity of minorities. You might not agree with that, you might not care about that, you might simply value other things more.

        This is what you said. In the eyes of progressives, that is how they see conservatives. In no way, shape, or form does his response to that statement have anything to do with the minoroties, but in the agreement that progressives see conservatives that way.

        • darq
          1211 months ago

          No. Read again. He quoted me saying “you might simply value other things more”, and responded with “Correct. My priorities are: 1, 2, 3. If a policy helps that cause, I’m in favor of it. If it doesn’t, I’m probably opposed to it.”

          He values his personal wealth and comfort over the struggles of minorities. At best, he does not care about the plight of minoritised people. If a politician or policy offers him a benefit, but will increase the suffering of people who are not in his in-group, he still supports that policy. If a policy or politician focuses on alleviating suffering, but may come at some perceived expense to him, he opposes it.

          He’s been quite clear about it.