• @[email protected]
    18 months ago

    I mean, there were a shitload of Germans that stated they didn’t know what was happening. Seems like they did a decent job of keeping it a secret from them.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Yeah - the SS were kicking in my neighbours’ doors and violently hauling them away, never to be seen again as they spout genocidal rhetoric… I’m sure they just took them to a farm upstate where they can run and play all day. Also, your family dog is still alive at 27 - he went to live with them too.

      Any plausible deniability faded pretty quickly on that one given the overt rhetoric and actions of those involved. Gellately talks about this reasonably extensively.

        • @[email protected]
          08 months ago

          This is flirting with holocaust denial.

          Do you think the millions of people killed in the death camps just thought “Hey, seems like time for a change - I’ll leave my home, often with just the clothes on my back, and cram myself into a train to the east - it’ll be great!”

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Huh?? My point is that most of the horrible shit that happened in death camps was outside Germany in the places they annexed.

            What a weird assumption to make, that I’m suggesting the holocaust didn’t happen because I’m asking you specifics. You throw your anecdote out then suggest that it refutes what’s been documented.