I agree that dockerfile’s are not very reproducible. But honestly, that’s not how most people use it. I believe most people just pull the already built image which is very reproducible. Anyways, I found this video interesting and thought I’d share it and get your guys thoughts.

  • Nate Cox
    28 months ago

    I learned to use them by looking at repos online that came with a flake.nix.

    Also there’s this blog article that was helpful getting started: https://tonyfinn.com/blog/nix-from-first-principles-flake-edition/nix-7-what-about-flakes-then/

    Flakes aren’t much different from regular nix configs, except that they explicitly declare their sources by url. Rather than using whatever “home-manager” your system has on it, the flake says “go get home-manager from this location and use it”.

    The extra level of control makes for more reproducible configs by isolating dependencies from the system paths. At least in theory.