Family sued after Sarah Katz died last year after drinking Charged Lemonade, apparently unaware of soda’s high caffeine content

  • stopthatgirl7
    48 months ago

    And in that case, this poor woman definitely wouldn’t have been expecting as much caffeine as she got. It said in one of the articles in the reply that she avoided energy drinks because of the caffeine. She likely has no idea there was so much caffeine in it.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      For sure, it would certainly be clearer to say “the large charged lemonade has about the same amount of caffeine as four cups of coffee.”

      I also just saw that a cup of coffee is less than 1 cup, so maybe it’s actually closer to five cups of coffee. Either way, I agree they could have made the comparison more explicit.

      Talking about heavily-caffeinated beverages reminds me of the time I tried to order a venti nitro cold brew at Starbucks, and the guy actually told me “I’m not supposed to sell you the nitro in venti, actually…” But I must have looked like I needed it, because he looked around to make sure his manager wasn’t watching, poured me a venti, and rang it up as a grande!

      • stopthatgirl7
        38 months ago

        This whole super has reminded me of the time I was given caffeine pills for migraines when I was only a few years younger than this woman, and they mistyped the dosage on the instructions. I did not end up in the hospital only because my heart wasn’t quiiiiite beating fast enough for the university health center to call an ambulance, but it was close. They still had me stay there at the health center so they could keep an eye on me for a few hours just in case. I mostly remember lying on a bed watching my hands shaking uncontrollably and feeling my heart pounding in my chest. It was not a fun experience.