I connect to a WireGuard installed on my VPS. Then I go to a random VPN service marketing page on which I’ll discover that my DNS leaks. And which is correct because I’ve specified DNS = in [Interface] for all the Peers.

In order to avoid DNS leakadge, do I have to a) run DNS server on the a VPS – along with WireGuard, and b) use this one and only it, instead of

But if so, how will this possibly work?

PublicKey = [....;....]
PresharedKey = [......]
Endpoint = wg.my_domain123.com:51820

In order to resolve Endpoint of my VPS to begin with, other DNS server will have to be used – by IP. But there’ll be none because I’ll use a DNS on my VPS instead of In other words, it’ll be a circular dependency.

  • atheken
    1 year ago

    Your question, as best as I could tell, is that you want DNS traffic to exit through your VPS node, rather than your client machine.

    I posited one reason this could be happening, and additionally, a similar setup that provably routes traffic through the VPN based on the method I described.

    Nobody in here is obligated to help you, I gave you a couple threads to pull on to resolve your question, so maybe consider accepting it graciously, rather than being obstinate.