Recently, the Prav app was released in F-droid. In this application, registration is by phone number.

What do you think about this?

  • @u_tamtam
    28 months ago

    To all the prav folks responding here, sorry if my message came up rubbing the wrong way, I didn’t mean to be diminutive or dismissive in any way. I am glad to see my questions answered, and I guess prav makes sense in the specific context that was mentioned. I only wish it was a little bit more explicit about what it is, what it is not, and whom it targets. I wish you good luck with your project :)

    • Pirate Praveen
      18 months ago

      @u_tamtam the challenge is about setting the limits - how deep should be go when we explain? Do we assume people already know #XMPP and focus on what is different? Or do we assume people have only seen WhatsApp (may be Telegram and Signal too?). I think our focus being on people who have never heard of XMPP, I think the current choices makes sense. But still we can consider giving clues or tips for people who already know XMPP to find the differences.

    • Hippo 🦀🦀
      18 months ago

      @u_tamtam thanks for the clarification! But it’s all good; I think this discussion has helped. Now we have something concrete to work with when we’re deciding how to update our descriptions and home page 😉
